This will be a quick rundown for how to setup bluestacks to handle several games at once. I am not sure how it is all done on mac products but I’ve heard multi-instances has been added to mac.
Requirements or Advice:
I would suggest a decent rig if you want to handle 4 or more at a time. i5 to i7, graphics card other than onboard intel or amd and 16gb or more ram. If all you are going to do on the machine is bluestacks, 8gb will probably work fine. Anything less might can handle 4 or more but you’d probably be better off with 2 or so.
You will need to download bluestacks. I personally use 5.0 Beta as I like the layout and the performance enhancements. The macros work good also. Here is a link to their site to download.
Install it how you normally would and run it. Its going to load an initial bluestacks emulator in a new window. Once this is load, you will want to setup multi-instances so you can do several android clients at a time to handle several games at a time like casino stuff(billionaire, huuge etc).
From here you will create new instances for what you want to accomplish. If you have a new account that was setup to run tapjoy promotions…id suggest to label it as so. Have an idea of how many games you’d want to run at once that can self level. Example: If you want to do Huuge, Billionaire and Star – youll want 3 instances. Or if you want to do Huuge, Billionaire and maybe do smaller ones while they run, also make 3. Make a 4th if needed or just make the two if that’s what you are wanting to achieve. As you can see I have several setup and usually delete them once they have served their purpose.
Once you have setup and organized all your instances you will want / need: Hit start on the first one. Im not going to post any photos for this part as its rather straight forward. Once its done loading, login with your google account. Download the apps you need(toreba, icatch, netch, dc7 ect.) Once you have these setup, run them, and start looking through the apps tapjoy stuff. Grab the game you want to do and get that running and move on to the next one. You will do this over and over until you have them all going like you want.
Its really that easy to get several games going at once. A few side notes you will want to look into. Eco mode is a must. You will see it in my multi instance manager window at the bottom. Check it at the start. This will slow all instances down to 5 FPS and keep strain way down. The key to eco mode is disabling it one by one when you need to do things on a certain instance. To do this click this icon when you are in the instance:
And thats it. You can fine tune stuff later if needed. Another side note, Toreba most likely wont like the default device bluestacks selects. If that happens and you get an error code when loading Toreba, change the device under the settings icon to this:
One last note – I personally run a notepad for when I do tapjoy runs during 2x promos. I set it just to say what account is doing what games so I have an idea of what I’m doing. I also put the date I started it, how long it has to finish and difficulty. We will be setting up an excel sheet eventually to discuss games / apps that are worth it and the average time they take to complete. Feel free to jump on the discord to ask us any questions you might have.